Friday, September 28, 2007

All about me

Hello everyone - this is Graham and welcome to our blog. What I would like you to do is to write here a little bit about yourself, using the questions we used on thursday night so that the other people in the class can read up about you. I'll go first to show you what I mean...

My name is Graham, I am 40 although I know I don't look it !, and I come from Scotland. Here is some information about me. I am afraid of flying ! I really don't like it, so every time I go back to Scotland I usually get the train through Spain, and then the boat to England. It takes ages, costs a lot of money, but is great fun.

If I was mayor of Lisbon, I would clean the streets more - there is dog poo everywhere ! I really like Lisbon, but the dog poo does annoy me

If my house was on fire, I would save my bicycle. I am not really into things and don't really have anything valuable in my flat. I use my bicycle all the time, so I would save that.

If I could change one thing about me, I would change my ears ! I think they are too big and stick out too much - I actually play football with a plastic surgeon here in lisbon, so maybe one day I will get them done.

I am a gemini, but I don't really care and I never read the horoscopes in the newspaper.

As I mentioned earlier dog poo really annoys me. Spitting, and cars parking on pavements irritates me as well.

My perfect day would be going cycling in the morning, having lunch on a deserted beach at lunchtime (in winter), then watching my team , Celtic, win a game in the champions league.

I would rather have time than money. All the things I like doing , I don't need any money for - all I need is time - to play football, to go cycling, to play chess

when I have nothing to do, I usually go and buy the Independent newspaper( the British one ) and go and have a beer...

and finally , the worst place I have been to was Lithuania about 20 years ago. It was awful. It was really cold, the people were very poor, there was nothing to buy in the supermarkets and the food was horrendous. I hope it is better now.

Well , that's me. Now it is your turn to add some information about you.