Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hello everyone,

I’ve tried a couple of times before publishing something in the blog, but I don’t feel too comfortable talking (or writing) about myself. Don’t ask me why… I’ve been like this for so long that I don’t really remember why I act like this. But, since this is our HW, and I always try to comply with what it’s expected from me, I really feel the need to make this effort.

What can I say about me that helps you to understand what I'm like? I thought about it several times… one valid option was to follow the guideline Graham gave us in the first week. But, in the end, I’m tired of following guidelines at work, so it would be better to try a different approach… that’s why I’m just going to give you some clues about my life at the moment.

I woke up this morning with the same throat hurting symptoms I had last night. I don’t get sick very often, but I panic over the smallest symptoms… As today (once again) I have lots of work to do (but I managed to find 10 minutes to write this post) there was no way I could call in sick! I decided to drag my body out of bed and drive to work.

Last week I changed office (after 8,5 years in the same – river view – office) and this one is a mess. I really love having my stuff in perfect order but the former “tenant” left lots of belongings in here and doesn’t care a bit about others well being. I almost can’t reach the office window. Things will get better… I hope!

In about an hour, as my wife is out working, I'm going to have lunch with one of my best friends. He is the kind of person that “is always there” when you need a friend… due to my workaholic tendency I don’t meet up with friends as often as I should, but as all of them have the same problem, we manage to understand each other.

Well... I have to get back to work. See you tonight!


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