Thursday, October 18, 2007

The SuperMothers!

I’m going to pretend that I didn’t see that football post... Who cares about that??? Hummm, maybe the same people (men) that don’t help enough at home and, in this way, prevent women the chance having a good career… This is just a thought!

Well, regarding today’s main issue, in a general way, people at work are being evaluated for the amount of work or amount of hours spent working. Although many talk about different performance measures, in the end what is being recognized is if one works more or less than others.

What I believe, is that raising kids and taking care of the home can be a very demanding task… no wonder in the same newspapers we can find so much news about abused children or other family problems… Not all are up to the task and, in this new nuclear family concept, it’s not possible to count on mothers, aunts or other family members to help out.

More and more women feel pressure to be just perfect… raise perfect children, have the perfect home and the perfect job and appear with perfect hair and nails… This is not real… it isn’t possible! But they are not complaining!

If we consider the time spent on “domestic” tasks, we find that women work much more than men (and, again, they are not complaining) and take many high responsibility decisions during the day… Companies should bear this in mind and stop misusing these very talented assets!

I strongly believe that we should find (and implement) different measures to evaluate women's performance (which is very important when considering the career issue) and that husbands should have a more active role at home!

Well, my time is up! See you later!


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