Saturday, October 27, 2007


well , as requested, here is a post about the music scene here - of which i know nothing . It is strange... i used to be right into music. I used to go to 60 concerts a year, i used to read a magazine called Q (i don't know if it is still on the go), and i knew everything about everything... and then one day, i woke up and i simply didn't care any more - maybe when i was about 25 . So i don't have much to add to this post. I find it sad nowadays that there seems to be very few bands that have a hit after hit. in my day it was quite exciting waiting for the new single of a well known band e.g. the jam. they would tell you what day it was being released and eveyone would rush out and buy it, and it would go straight into the charts at no. 1 . Nowadays it seems to be one hit wonders, and all the songs are just remixes of old songs anyway... god i sound old - i am beginning to sound like my father. the one thing i find really interesting about living here is that i have heard lots of differrent types of music that i would never have heard if i was living in the uk e.g. brazilian and african music. I open the post up to all you music lovers ... by the way - you don't need to write a new post, just click on comments and then add your thoughts there


Rui Costa said...

HI everybody, hope your having a great weekend.

Nowadays I can't imagine my life without music. Seldom I go to work without my Ipod.

I always turn it on whenever there's too much noise (or silence) around me in order to focus better.

Loving to listen to music, I don't have any favourite artist as one can realize by looking to disparity of musics I have on my play lists.

Whenever someone tells me about a new band, I always try to listen to it and see if I like it.

Saying that, I was wondering what kind of music do you listen the most?

Why don't we post each one 5 musics from our favourite play list?

Following you can find 5 musics from "My Top Rated" play list:

Atlantis to Interzone - Klaxons
Teddy Picker - Arctic Monkeys
Are You Gonna Go My Way - Lenny Kravitz
Learning Happiness - Pickle Project
Boa Sorte/Good Luck - Vanessa da Mata & Ben Harper


Graham said...

GOOD IDEA - everyone has to post their 5 favourite songs - which is easier said than done !

mine would be ...

she sells sanctuary by the cult
holidays in the sun - the sex pistols
gimme shelter - the rolling stones
friday i'm in love by the cure and
i'm walking on sunshine by katrina and the waves

but it is almost impossible as i reckon i have about 50 top songs...

Carolina said...

Hello everyone!
As almost everybody I love music and try to keep my life surrounded by it. Whenever I've got a chance, I put a record on or listen to my Ipod. I reckon that music has the power to soften our days a lot. It chages our mood from a minute to another, makes us happier, wakes us up.

I don't have a favourite band nor a favourite kind of music. I'm selective but I like a little bit of almost everything. I guess my favourite songs change with my mood!

5 musics from "my top rated" playlist are:
"Take me out" - Franz Ferdinand
"Simpathy for the devil" - Rolling Stones
"So flute" - St. Germain
"Shadows of ourselves" - Tievery corporation
"You" - Plej

Although I didn't mention any portuguese band, I like portuguese music a lot. Yesterday it seemed like portuguese music was very sad ou very ridiculous and that portuguese people were ashamed of it but nowadays it is changing. Now we've got good music and we can recognize it. We've got all sorts of singers and bands, we've got great Djs, good alternative music, rock, jazz, hip hop and of course fado.
My favourite portuguese band is Donna Maria, a trial influenced by fado and electronic music. Their musics have a trully portuguese soul ant still are very contemporary. I reckon that this band is the prove that portuguese music, modernity and quality can come together in one single package.

Cheers ;)

Carolina said...

I notice right on time an unforgivable mistake on my playlist!! It is thievery corporation, not tievery!

I would also like to inform the interested people about Lux jazz sessions. Every Wednsdays there are great live jazz concerts or bands with jazz influences such as cool hypnoise. It is free and it it's worth going!

Graham said...

i forgot to mention one of my all time favourite songs - teenage kicks by the undertones. i want to put this at no.5 instead of katrina and the waves

Ricardo Marino said...

Hello there!

It's quite difficult to me to figure out which are my 5 favourite songs… even in a list of 100 I wouldn’t find room for all!

So, instead of giving you the all time favourite songs, I will give you today’s favourite songs from the ones I’ve in my pc!!! I won’t consider Portuguese music… or else I would be talking about Xutos, Jorge Palma, Peste & Sida…

So, for today, my top rated songs are:
1. Pearl Jam – Given to fly… or any other music!;
2. Neil Young – keep on rocking in the free world… what a strong music!!! - I really like Pearl Jam version;
3. Radiohead – Karma Police – very good!;
4. Bush – Greedy Fly… video clip filmed at the hotel from the “almost dead” scene from 7even;
5. Arcade Fire – Tunnels… no words!

I hope to see you later although I have a meeting starting at 19pm.
